How I 6X My Income In 1 Year From Only 3 People

Written by: Nicolas Pandolfi McLaughlin(3 Minute Read)

Written by: Nicolas Pandolfi McLaughlin

(3 Minute Read)

I just 6X-ed my income within just a little over a year. I know what you’re thinking, “i get 2, maybe 3, but 6?!. How does that happen and how can I do that?!”. Well, first off, I’d have to be honest; I didn’t care about the sales. I only cared aboud establishing relationships, and I did it with only three clients. You heard me right. I Three clients in one year made me six times the income. How does that math make sense? Well, I’m about to give you the exact secret I found that proves quality is highly undervalued. Why waste more time and frustration on getting ten, twenty, or even fifty different clients a month when all along, if we just focused on one or two high quality clients a month, by default we’d make more than what we aimed for.

For years I spent so much of my energy trying to figure out how to grow to the next level in my own life where I can become the person that makes more and more money. But there was something I realized after jumping from living off cup-of-noodles to enjoying a Rib Eye whenever I felt like it within just one year, was just focusing on building three consistent relationships a month. I started focusing on one of the biggest supporting reasons of my wealth. The best way to become wealthy is to not focus only on your self growth, but to grow the financial and leadership value of three people a month that you focus on connecting with.

Thinking back, there were so many things I would do for free and not care about the money; playing music, design an artistic Instagram post, or taking pictures of models at photography street meet ups. But all of the sudden when it came down to activities I felt I needed to charge for, like virtual tours or social media maintenance, I’m suddenly too good to just give my time for free to those people. This is one of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made financially! In the beginning, if I focused on creating virtual tours for free for a different realtor a month, I would have been making who knows how much money by this point, and that is called the Compound Effect.

The entire point of the compound effect is to increase growth little by little, until before you know it, you’re playing 18 holes with Bill Gates. What I found is not just about increasing my own growth and value, but increasing the value of the people I’d give free work to each month. So I thought, “let’s start with just giving airbnb owners and realtors that sell small condos and homes, a free trial video and then if they like it then we can work together for a mutual compensation. So I did began my “worthless” journey and then shortly after I started noticing more and more opportunities for higher and higher paid work, eventually leading me to raise my value of who I worked with for free. The secret here is to completely re-define what you think “free” is when it comes to growth or investment. If it’s for fun, then free is free but if it’s for investment or growth in any way that can strengthen a valuable situation, free is actually just a loan of your time. And trust me, this loan will be given back to you with great interest.

It wasn’t long until I started only giving free videos to realtors that had million dollar homes as their lowest budget. This is where it started to get really crazy and the quality of my videos began boosting through the roof with the homes that would completely captivate more and more upscale realtors. This is a huge reason you’ll notice that the rich do in fact get richer. Believe it or not, this rule doesn'’t just apply to the financially rich, but it works beautifully for people that push growth in general! It works with money, investment funds, more time in certain areas of your life you didn’t have before, traveling around the world, creating opportunities, and the list goes on.

And where does all this come from? The power of giving and having the intention to raise your value and others value by knowing that you both deserve the best quality. But none of this can happen if you don’t start by realizing that you are the bridge of that relationship. So if you feel stuck, give and don’t let pride overtake your ego because I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather drop my image as some big-time videographer for a day so that I can make millions with compounded interest, rather than be poor & struggling with a very expensive ego. It all comes down to this; every decision you make is a paid decision, whether it’s for you or them. Every decision you make costs something, but most people don’t think about the cost, but the price. Remember,if you worry about price when connecting about quality, you’ll end up paying the price in the long run, but if you think about cost, you’ll win with no cost on you.