How I 6X My Income In 1 Year From Only 3 People

Written by: Nicolas Pandolfi McLaughlin(3 Minute Read)

Written by: Nicolas Pandolfi McLaughlin

(3 Minute Read)

I just 6X-ed my income within just a little over a year. I know what you’re thinking, “i get 2, maybe 3, but 6?!. How does that happen and how can I do that?!”. Well, first off, I’d have to be honest; I didn’t care about the sales. I only cared aboud establishing relationships, and I did it with only three clients. You heard me right. I Three clients in one year made me six times the income. How does that math make sense? Well, I’m about to give you the exact secret I found that proves quality is highly undervalued. Why waste more time and frustration on getting ten, twenty, or even fifty different clients a month when all along, if we just focused on one or two high quality clients a month, by default we’d make more than what we aimed for.

For years I spent so much of my energy trying to figure out how to grow to the next level in my own life where I can become the person that makes more and more money. But there was something I realized after jumping from living off cup-of-noodles to enjoying a Rib Eye whenever I felt like it within just one year, was just focusing on building three consistent relationships a month. I started focusing on one of the biggest supporting reasons of my wealth. The best way to become wealthy is to not focus only on your self growth, but to grow the financial and leadership value of three people a month that you focus on connecting with.

Thinking back, there were so many things I would do for free and not care about the money; playing music, design an artistic Instagram post, or taking pictures of models at photography street meet ups. But all of the sudden when it came down to activities I felt I needed to charge for, like virtual tours or social media maintenance, I’m suddenly too good to just give my time for free to those people. This is one of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made financially! In the beginning, if I focused on creating virtual tours for free for a different realtor a month, I would have been making who knows how much money by this point, and that is called the Compound Effect.

The entire point of the compound effect is to increase growth little by little, until before you know it, you’re playing 18 holes with Bill Gates. What I found is not just about increasing my own growth and value, but increasing the value of the people I’d give free work to each month. So I thought, “let’s start with just giving airbnb owners and realtors that sell small condos and homes, a free trial video and then if they like it then we can work together for a mutual compensation. So I did began my “worthless” journey and then shortly after I started noticing more and more opportunities for higher and higher paid work, eventually leading me to raise my value of who I worked with for free. The secret here is to completely re-define what you think “free” is when it comes to growth or investment. If it’s for fun, then free is free but if it’s for investment or growth in any way that can strengthen a valuable situation, free is actually just a loan of your time. And trust me, this loan will be given back to you with great interest.

It wasn’t long until I started only giving free videos to realtors that had million dollar homes as their lowest budget. This is where it started to get really crazy and the quality of my videos began boosting through the roof with the homes that would completely captivate more and more upscale realtors. This is a huge reason you’ll notice that the rich do in fact get richer. Believe it or not, this rule doesn'’t just apply to the financially rich, but it works beautifully for people that push growth in general! It works with money, investment funds, more time in certain areas of your life you didn’t have before, traveling around the world, creating opportunities, and the list goes on.

And where does all this come from? The power of giving and having the intention to raise your value and others value by knowing that you both deserve the best quality. But none of this can happen if you don’t start by realizing that you are the bridge of that relationship. So if you feel stuck, give and don’t let pride overtake your ego because I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather drop my image as some big-time videographer for a day so that I can make millions with compounded interest, rather than be poor & struggling with a very expensive ego. It all comes down to this; every decision you make is a paid decision, whether it’s for you or them. Every decision you make costs something, but most people don’t think about the cost, but the price. Remember,if you worry about price when connecting about quality, you’ll end up paying the price in the long run, but if you think about cost, you’ll win with no cost on you.

2019 Reveals "Authenticity" Dominates FB Ads

Written by: Nicolas Pandolfi McLaughlin(5 Minute Read)

Written by: Nicolas Pandolfi McLaughlin

(5 Minute Read)

Welcome to the worlds most beloved dating show, “Bad Ads”. Let’s see which one the customer will choose to commit with! Who’s behind door number one? Power, success, and oh so much hair gel, please welcome the “hey I’m casually leaning on a Lamborghini”, (place crowd applause here).

Behind door number two we’ve got a beautiful woman laughing at a salad in high quality 4K. This ad says “YOU will love the way you look so much, you’ll practically laugh at a bundle of dirty leaves. And behind door number 3 we’ve got a classic vanilla bland boring awkwardly shy photo of a business owner who seemingly has never been on camera and wants you to know it. Oh, and don’t forget all the paragraphs of words all around them that you definitely won’t read!

So which will the customer click on, purchase, or watch? ABSOLUTELY NONE! If this is you, PLEASE, for the sake of humanity, stop TRYING to be authentic! You can not TRY to be authentic and in fact, it defeats the purpose of the entire definition. If you have to try, you’re trying too hard and nobody, not even you, likes desperation. It’s like a chef owning a restaurant where the owner has never tasted their own cooking. You know we’re all waiting for Chef Ramsey to walk in and chew them out.

You have to know what it’s like as the person on the other side, and this goes for so many areas of your life. It works in dating, job interviews, and especially advertising. Here’s the secret, redefine how you think of advertising. It’s not about getting money by manipulating a stranger to hand over their wallet, even though plenty of big companies do this, but trust me, it costs them in so many ways you couldn’t afford at this point and it ruins your soul.

Advertising is about communication and giving people what they want in a way you know you can deliver. Remember, people are creatures of feeling and with a boring, unnatural and distasteful ad, you’re only hurting your wallet and your name. And if you’re wondering, “well how do I do that?”, stop thinking about how to do anything. Advertising and selling has been going on far before the internet or even before paper. Think back to the basics at a primal level because what is primal in installed in us all and will never change. What’s engrained in us stays the same in us. You ever wonder why all human beings have the same natural reactions to fear? We all go into a state of heart pumping, adrenaline rushing, freak-out sessions because doing so makes blood flow quicker to the brain, causing us to make faster split decisions for our protection.

There are countless behaviors just like this in all of us and it can’t be changed, so before you try to reinvent the wheel ask, “how did people do this at a primal level?”. Before people traded money, they sold horses and advertised what was lurking in the forest so the village could stay away. Successful advertising is authenticity with a powerful intention to help the person you’re advertising to, in a way of either necessity or desire. Any of us can say we like someone’s cooking only to spit it out when that person leaves the room, but is that going to help that person become a better chef? In the market, nobody is buying your cooking just to spit it out. They spit on it and walk away to the next one. So think, “how can I get people to like my cooking even though I don’t know how to cook?”.

But here’s where it really all comes down to it. You have to change your stance. People don’t like fake people and I’m sure you don’t either. You can’t trust them and you can’t be attracted to them because they’re just giving you negative vibes that your primal instincts tell your brain to stay away in order to protect you. But when you’re authentic and choose vulnerability, you always win. You may not be a fit for every single person, no matter what the product is, but with authenticity you offer a primal serving of relatability.

People love others they can see themselves in. They just naturally understand them and they know they will be understood back. Who would you rather have teaching you in school? A teacher who crams books into your backpack and orders you to study, or a teacher who sits at eye level with you, asks you genuinely if you understand and looks you in the eye when you answer? No brainer! And the only difference is that one teacher actually cares about the student and the other cares about getting through the day to snag a quick paycheck. Be the cool teacher! You don’t have to know how to be a master of your craft or be perfect but remember the cool kid in school never calls themselves cool. And guess what! You are the cool kid in school because you are a natural authenticity machine.

You don’t have to try or figure out how to be authentic because it’s not about doing more but less. It’s like asking, “how can I come off like I’m not busy? Do I pretend to put the phone down and hum in my head?”. No! You just put the phone down and relax. Can you fake relax and get the same nourishing benefits after? That is impossible! So if you are aiming to pretend to be authentic and try way too hard on your ads, just remember that people can tell what you were thinking when you made it. What you do speaks louder than you think when it comes from a scarcity mindset or when you pretend to know what people want.

Nobody notices if you gained an extra pound or you’re having a bad hair day, but people always notice when you try to convince them you’re confident when you’re not. When you make it about you, you’re practically yelling everywhere you go, “hey I’m unconfident and I’m compensating for it by wearing my sunglasses in this Walmart!”. And I’m not saying this to sound judgmental but listen, you can make people stop saying what you don’t want to hear but you can’t make them think it. Let them! It’s a gift to be free to have one place where you can be honest 100% of the time in your mind. But you’re not doing all this to gain anything from them and that’s my point. You’re advertising because you WANT to give to them, but of course you’re deserving of a great value of income because you worked hard on your product & guess what the best part is. They will gladly give you their money!

If you give to give, you always receive quality higher than you gave. If you’re acting like you are a big shot in life, people won’t say anything, but trust me, they’ll know you probably don’t feel like you come off. But if you owned how you felt and accepted you don’t need to act any way to feel big and you decided to take big actions to help others, guess what. They will perceive you as big and you will feel tall, worthy and in charge. Power can be manipulated or earned. If it’s anything but earned, it will die out at some point and leave you high and dry, plus the quality will never be what you want it to be. You’ll constantly be in this whirlpool of dissatisfaction no matter what you do because it will look like you have power but you won’t actually have any. You know those moments your girlfriend wants you to do something for her? She doesn’t care if you do what she says, but she cares that you WANT to do these things that are important to her. People don’t want to hypnotize you, they want you to want to give to them because all anyone cares about nowadays is taking. “Look at my selfie”, “buy my product”, “look at my car“, bleh! Do you really want to be that person?!

So if you stand in your power and decide to give them what they want in the first place, you will stand out and be far ahead of your competition. Give and you will receive. When you advertise, don’t make it about you or try to manipulate how they should feel or think. Give them what they want & speak to them in a way that you know your market will say, “I love this ad. They just get me.” And the end result is you actually end up “getting them” to buy from you. So do less, be you, and give like a nice person because while Mr. “stand against a Lamborghini” over there thinks he’s got power while he’s constantly struggling to find fulfillment, spending tons of money on quantities of crappy ads, authentic people are winning with quality, and people are spreading the word for them.

So go out there, bring your inner authenticity everybody is looking for and you will find a much higher quality in your advertising. You’re already enough and there is no reason to “fake it until you make it” because your competition still doesn’t realize that “real gets the meal”.

CAN WE PLEASE Stop Spending So Much On Monthly SMM! You Only Need It Once.

Written by: Nicolas Pandolfi McLaughlin(5 Minute Read)

Written by: Nicolas Pandolfi McLaughlin

(5 Minute Read)

We all want more followers, but are people that sell more followers ripping us off? I have a personal experience that clearly proves, it might just be true.

There was a point I gained more and more followers, but it didn’t seem to do too much when it came to my sales. However, there was a point where I made one simple change; incorporating vulnerability into my posts. Though, it didn’t get me that many follows, it got me something much more valuable; extremely high engagement. My following went up a couple thousand in the past few months and I’ve gotten a lot more likes and comments on average but most people don’t realize that when you spend money on someone to get you more followers, that doesn’t mean you’re going to get more buyers from those followers. What I did by focusing on giving intention, incorporating authenticity and vulnerability got me higher quality friends and in return, higher quality prospects.

When you do something for the genuine authenticity to make friends, you’ll make better sales, but if you do something to make more money and make it about taking, it will take more from you and out of you to piece things together. This was my new-found super power. The average engagement percent for Instagram profiles with 2000 to 6000 followers was 6%. It may not sound impressive but you have to take into account how Instagram likes to change up the algorithms so that only a few people will see you at a time and on top of that, it takes into effect what you’re posting and your relationship with your audience. Though I only had a few thousand followers, my engagement was exactly twice the average at 12%. 12%!!! Want to know what that feels like? I can post anything I want right now and I will have definite sales prospects every time. Why? Because I don’t see them as sales prospects and I especially don’t treat them that way.

If you look back into history of sales, there’s always one idea that ends up working really well because it’s based off of authenticity, helping others, and building quality relationships. But at some point word gets out how well it works and eventually the word has spread. There’s only so much it can work if everybody is doing the same thing so at a point it stops working and people get desperate. Where does that lead you ask? Mass manufacturing and manipulation of what used to be something you couldn’t manufacture or manipulate without heart. At that point people start spending a lot of money and it becomes fake to the connections who are now just seen as “prospects” or “people that can pay my bills for the month”. Suddenly people become desperate and are no longer confident in their sales techniques, making the building of quality relationships a very difficult and sour experience.

The point is never for more, but higher quality of less and then getting more of that, or as I like to call it building a “quantity of quality”. This is how the order should go and should never be changed; establish quality and then establish a quantity of quality. Where people go wrong is they always think to establish quantity and then build a very unstable quantity of quantity. The problem with that is it takes way too much out of you and is a bad business and personal move for literally nobodies benefit. It ends up taking up more time, money, frustration, and the only thing that makes you feel good is your ego that you are working “harder” and “hustling” to make ends meat. Check off the, “I’m an entrepreneur because I spend 12 hours a day working hard“ box.

Well what if I told you that you didn’t even have to hustle if you just thought about quality? Who would you rather invest in to save your life? 100 people who don’t care about you or 10 people who are die hard friends no matter what? Exactly! So why is everybody aiming for the opposite and paying social media agencies that have no clue about this?! Because for some reason, this situation finds itself in the “oh but this is different” scenario, but it really isn’t. Just for the record, anytime someone says, “well that’s different”, 99% of the time it’s really not, but it challenges their mind and doesn’t equate because it’s going against how they calculate solving their personal dilemmas in their mind for that issue. However we define a survival tactic is attached with plenty of emotions ready to fire at anyone anytime if it’s pushed in the wrong direction. We train ourselves to believe what we believe and the problem about sales where, most the time, the only proof we have is what kind of worked in the past or is what everyone else is doing, without knowing the actual specifics and data.

In the advertising industry this is called manipulation and believe it or not it works very well, but for them, it is a constant struggle to keep growing without spending. But it raises the question, why aim for 1 million people to spend one dollar when you can get one person to spend $1 million? This is how the wealthy think, in fact this is what got me to stop driving for Uber. I remember driving every night thinking, “all I need is this much money”, until it finally hit me while I was heading home after my last ride, “ but can I ever become a millionaire off of Uber?”. That was the very last time I ever invested my valuable time in something I knew I had no potential to earn $1 million.

Trust me, there is an entirely different definition of what hustling really is when you aim higher quality over higher quantity. It’s not adding more things to do, but really less and then making those few moves a lot bigger and stronger. What I do in my company when meeting with a client sources from exactly that. I will suggest not to waste any money trying to buy followers, but to get as many high quality followers as possible. The point is to attract followers that will buy from you almost every time you have a new product or service and if you do the math. One hundred die hard followers spending a thousand dollars a year. It may not seem impressive, but it’s way more cost effective to hit the battle hard from the beginning for just a few months than to continuously struggle to keep finding ways to get more followers. This is a huge price vs cost scenario as explained in the previous blog, “2019 Reveals Authenticity Dominates FB Ads“. I inform my clients we will go hard on the battle prep how most social media marketing agencies don’t know how, in return, giving you the freedom to need very little social media spending. So if you’re going to buy SMM, branding, or just about anything, ask yourself what value you’ll be getting with time because as we all know, time is money.